Merrimac Shores, Est. 1946

Merrimac Shores Recommends: Community Forum

From restaurants & lawn maintenance to family activities & community events, Merrimac Shores Recommends is a place for residents to share & find local favorites!

See What Your Neighbors Recommend -->

💕A HUGE Thank You💕 to Everyone Who Donated to the Paved Area Repair (Park) “Write A Check” Campaign

We truly appreciate the great conversation, passionate (yet respectful) debates, event participants, volunteers and general neighborhood camaraderie that we have seen over the years. We are also sincerely grateful for the residents who have continually paid support, as well as those who have donated time, supplies, unused toys/play equipment–not to mention the donors from the most recent fundraiser.  MSCA could not function without this neighborhood’s generosity, continued involvement, feedback & support! It is heartwarming to be part of this community and we look forward to seeing you at our next event!

We understand that there has been a lot of excitement surrounding the recent changes to the park. And, in recent years the MSCA has made an effort to increase communication & transparency with residents. It is in that spirit we find it is important to address some recent questions, concerns and misinformation regarding the project. We appreciate you taking time from your busy schedule to learn more.

Please understand that the project is not yet finished, and we appreciate your patience as we complete the remaining pieces. In the meantime, we appreciate everyone's feedback, and if you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact us directly via our Contact Us Page.

Thank You, the MSCA Board

Collapsible content

Who is Involved?

  • Residents: Anyone who lives in or currently resides/owns a home within the territory of Merrimac Shores (i.e. Brooke, Buchanan, Catesby Jones, Chesapeake, Congress, Cumberland, Eggleston, Ericcson, Monitor, Porter, Worden).
  • MSCA Members: Residents who have paid annual support and in return received the gate code. This group has official access to the Neighborhood Park. This list resets (along with the code) at the beginning of each year. NOTE: For more information about annual support use or purpose go here.
  • Non-Members: Residents who reside in Merrimac Shores but have not paid annual support for the current year. 
  • Non-Residents: Anyone who lives outside the Merrimac Shores territory (including Ivy Home, Wythe, Kecoughtan, Sussex, etc.)
  • MSCA Board Members: Visit our Board Member Page for more information.

Multipurpose Surface

Parks have noise, period. Pickleball has noise, basketball has noise, soccer has noise, baseball has noise, play equipment has noise.

  • The choice to combine all sports together for a vote (July 4, 2022) was discussed by the Board at length before the vote, and it was agreed that either residents tolerate the sound of activities or they don’t. The recent excitement over pickleball vs. basketball illustrates precisely why we chose to have a vote as an ‘all or nothing’ sports area instead of making individual sporting decisions.
  • In the end, the vote was 63 in favor of a multipurpose surface and 2 against.
  • For the residents who lived here and did not participate in the vote, we understand you may or may not agree with the decision, and we appreciate both sides. For anyone who did not live here at the time, we appreciate your opinions as well.  We look forward to seeing all of you represented in future votes.
MSCA’s responsibility is to all residents. Our job is not micromanaging individual activities, nor how people enjoy their free time, but to try to find ways to make our neighborhood accessible & enjoyable for as many as possible.

Design, Layout & Resurfacing

The most recent fundraiser was initiated for “paved area repair” with “a more versatile surface with a new design and painted markings”, to provide a better play surface for members. It was not for pickleball courts alone.

  • A professional and more expensive pickleball court installation was considered at one time, however, that idea fell apart and did not move forward. 
  • During the same time period, MSCA received multiple requests for basketball hoops as well as more areas for younger kids to play. Several playhouses, pedal cars and basketball hoops were also donated.
  • Due to the extreme damage to the original surface (because of age, location of tree roots, large cracks, pavement/ground shifts, etc.) and the urgency of repair, MSCA reviewed the current budget and the “Paved Area Repair (Park) “Write A Check” Campaign was shared with the neighborhood as a solution.
  • Several factors contributed to the current layout of the painted lines, including tree roots, surface level, space, and even prevailing winds. Given the circumstances, we chose the best option. MSCA decided to paint lines for two pickleball courts (instead of only 1), a basketball key, and kids' focused designs (like four square, hopscotch, and a little road) to satisfy the majority of requests.
  • The kid's-focused area is still under design, and will be painted by Board Members as time & weather permit.
  • As for complaints and safety concerns about the size and layout of the pickleball courts specifically, we have taken these concerns under consideration and will consult service providers (if needed). At this time, the courts are usable for recreational purposes and the layout will not prioritize one sport over another (see Multipurpose Surface" section). The courts are not meant to be professional level courts, but fun for the amateur player. As with any activity, caution should be taken to avoid injury.   
  • Portable net(s) will be purchased after the storage area is complete. Storage shed(s) are in progress, as we finalize foundation details.

Security, Safety & Vandalism

Resident safety is always a priority, and as such, the current board has taken multiple steps towards addressing park and general neighborhood security:

  • Installing park locks that are lockable from inside as well as outside the gate.
  • Coordinating police volunteers to attend multiple events to answer questions, give recommendations, etc.  
  • Ongoing communication with Hampton Police Department to establish “Keep Checks” for increased supervision over the park.
  • Posting and advertising the non-emergency police phone number (in the park as well as regularly in the newsletter) alongside reminders to contact HPD for suspected trespassing and/or illegal activity sightings. Residents are asked not to address concerns directly, but to use the non-emergency line. This not only keeps you safe, but establishes an official paper trail for both the MSCA and HPD to address. In addition, we encourage you to send copies of any incident reports to the MSCA email so that we may track patterns and take additional steps if ever needed. As of the time of this posting, we have not received copies of any police reports in recent history.
  • Posting regular reminders in the newsletter, new resident information, social media, etc., to not share the gate code with other residents. If someone (anyone— resident or non-resident) asks for the code, please redirect them to MSCA.  Do not share the code.
For everyone who has recently vocalized concerns about safety at the park, we encourage you to volunteer your time as part of our Neighborhood Watch program, as our previous requests for help have left us short-handed.

Behavior & Concerns

We are saddened and appalled that we have to include this but, for the sake of clarity, we will.

  • The MSCA Board is committed to remaining accessible and open to feedback for this & all projects/events, and we will continue to ask for input through in-person conversations, polls, suggestion boxes, emails, contact forms, etc. To be clear, however, we will have a zero tolerance approach towards threats, threats of vandalism, bullying, verbal assault, physical confrontation, etc.
  • Neighborly behavior (in person and online) is expected at all times, from guests and from residents, and if we need to implement temporary FB group restrictions, membership “suspensions” including gate code changes, or other measures, we will do so without hesitation.
  • Paying support and/or making a donation does not give anyone the right to be rude, bully, make ultimatums or attempt to solely dictate the actions or next steps of the MSCA. In the end, our decisions are final.
  • If you have a concern, please let us know. However, please understand that we do not have an obligation to change or overturn our decisions simply because a concern is submitted. We will accept, review and respect all concerns and we will consider and weigh them all equally. Suggestions & complaint submissions do not equal the immediate overturning of a decision.
  • If you would like to learn more about voting/board processes, are unhappy with the current processes or would like to learn more about becoming a Board Member, we encourage you to visit the Board Member Page and submit your name as a Board Member nominee.

Future Considerations

Bigger conversations on the MSCA radar in recent years include (but are not limited to): converting the park to public status, including nearby neighborhoods in MSCA park usage & support acceptance, revising the Covenants/by-laws, and applying for non-profit status. In-depth discussions of these topics are in the queue for the future, however, here are a few things to consider:

  • Per the Park Deed, if the MSCA (and by extension your annual support) no longer maintains it or pays taxes, it does NOT turn into a public or City of Hampton park. Instead, ownership reverts to the original owners, and it is no longer available for anyone’s use.
  • Park Insurance: current cost is approximately $1,400 a year. The City of Hampton requires that insurance coverage for events open to the public requires 1-2 million dollars of coverage per year, no matter the size of the event. This is also the reason our permit was not approved for food trucks, restricts our ability to become a non-profit, and limits our options for opening the park wider than Merrimac Shores residents.
  • Currently, less than half of Merrimac Shores residences have paid support for 2024--the primary income for covering taxes, event costs, website/newsletter costs, park maintenance, etc. This level of support can make it tricky to fund high impact projects without fundraisers, raising support amounts, etc.
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2024 Annual Support

NEW! Save Time with Automatic Renewal!

That's right! In addition to accepting new payment methods, submitting your annual MSCA support via the website also offers additional benefits! When you sign-up for "delivery every year," you subscribe to autorenewal, so you'll never have to remember whether you paid!

As an added bonus, you have access to your subscription 24/7 to make changes or verify the last time you paid!

Sign-up for Auto-Renew!

Thank you to Everyone who has Paid for 2024!

Residents who have paid should have received an email (to the primary email on record with MSCA) with the new password. If you haven't, please log-in above (top right corner) to confirm we have your preferred email.

If you haven't yet paid, support can be submitted via this website (via credit cards or PayPal), in person at events, via PayPal directly, or by cash/check/money order at 3908 Chesapeake Ave., Hampton, VA 23669 (the mailbox at the Park).

Please note: In person & direct PayPal payments will not reflect in payment status history when checking your account via website.

2024 MSCA Events

Join neighbors for a mix of kid & adult focused activities during this season's MSCA events! Events are FREE to Merrimac Shores Residents unless otherwise noted. We can't wait to see you there!

Want to see more events? Activities are made possible through Annual Support. PRO TIP: Take advantage of Automatic Renewal and never wonder if yours is still due!

PLUS, share event ideas here, and maybe you'll see them added to the calendar!

'Yappy' Hour Is Back!

Bring your friendly pups and join neighbors for drinks & snacks at the Park--all while enjoying a view of the Wednesday Night Regatta (Sailboat Races).

⛵ 6 pm Every Wednesday

⛵ BYOB & Snacks

📢 Play Dates @ Park

Grab the kids and meet up with other neighborhood families with Play Dates @ Park!

Ready to play or having a rain delay? Early dismissal or holiday? Stay in touch with other families with the Play Date chat! Not yet part of the chat? Join here to keep in touch.

⚽ Wednesday 10-11:30 am

⚽ Sunday 3-5 pm

Want to suggest new Play Date days or times? Let us know.

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Resident Picnic & Annual Meeting (All Ages)
Sept. 15 @ 4:30 p.m.; This event is FREE

Join us for yummy food, neighbors & games at this year's Resident Picnic & Annual Meeting (Rain or Shine)!

📜 4:30-5 p.m. Meeting 🍴 5 p.m. Food

🍉 Bring your fave side dish or dessert to share: SIGN-UP HERE. (Pro Tip: bring along an ingredient list for allergy sensitive neighbors) 🍉 Enjoy BBQ provided by MSCA 🍉 Weigh-in on neighborhood issues

🚌 We will also be accepting physical donations of TISSUES and HAND SANITIZER for local elementary schools (1-2, depending on how many donations are received). 🚌

Haven't paid your 2024 Annual Support yet? Get caught up here.

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Fall Neighborhood Yard Sale
Oct. 19 @ 8 a.m.-2 p.m. (rain delay Oct 20); Sellers--$12 (free for shoppers)

Fall Yard Sale Participation Kit purchase includes: 📌 MSCA will purchase your Hampton yard sale permit (3 day) and deliver to you a few days before the sale. If a rain delay occurs, the City of Hampton will reissue permits if contacted. 📌 Inclusion on sellers map designed & distributed by MSCA 📌 MSCA will purchase advertising for neighborhood sale for 3 days prior to the event.

🍪🍪 MSCA will host a Refreshment Sale during the sale. Donations of baked items and/or beverages are greatly appreciated. If you are able to donate, please sign-up here (COMING SOON), and we will contact you to coordinate pick-up.🍪🍪

📍 The Park will be the advertised starting point of the Neighborhood Sale. On the day of, MSCA will hand out neighborhood maps noting homes participating.

🏡 MSCA will not be accepting items for this event, but we will create a chat group on FB for anyone not wishing to sell at their home to connect with neighbors who are participating (COMING SOON).

Sale is being held the same day as the Wythe Yard Sale.  Event is contingent on number of homes participating. If we do not have enough homes participating (based on kit sales), then the event will be cancelled and all kits purchased will be refunded.

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🍂FALL FESTIVAL🍂 Including: S’Mores Bonfire, Chili Cook-Off & Halloween Costume Parade (All Ages)
Late October, Date TBD @ Park

🍁🍂FALL FESTIVAL🍁🍂 Including: S’Mores Bonfire, Chili Cook-Off & Halloween Costume Parade

Event will be on Oct 25, 26 or 31–official date to be chosen at the Resident Picnic & Annual Meeting.

🌶🌶 Start finessing your chili recipes for this friendly neighborhood competition! Sign-up COMING SOON.

Stay tuned for full details!

FAQ's & Info

Park Rules

Park Rules:

  • Park Use for Merrimac Shores Members Only
  • Park Hours: Sunrise to Sunset
  • Use The Park/Playground At Your Own Risk
  • Children Must Be Accompanied By An Adult
  • No Swimming
  • No Fireworks
  • Clean-Up After Yourselves & Your Pets

For suspected trespassing, call the Hampton Police Department Non-Emergency Number: 757-727-6111

Note: For the Safety & Security Of Our Residents, Please Make Sure You Lock the Gate Behind You—Both When Entering & Exiting the Park.  Please do not share the gate code. If someone asks for it, please direct them to and a board member will reach out to them directly.


How Do I Reserve The Park?

Current residents are welcome to reserve our waterfront park for family events, parties, weddings, etc.

Park reservations are FREE for residents who have paid their MSCA annual support for the current year. Residents who have not paid support for the current year can reserve the park for a donation of $50.

To reserve the park, submit the date and time you would like to reserve the park via our contact form, at least 1 week before the event. Once submitted, we will confirm there are no conflicting reservations and will send you a confirmation.

During your event, please follow all posted Park Rules and be mindful of park neighbors. The park is not currently equipped with water or electricity access, so please be prepared to provide these on your own, if needed.

I Want To Volunteer/Help With An Event.

Volunteers are always welcome & needed! Let us know you're willing to help (as a general volunteer, for a specific event, or with a special skill set) and we will reach out to you via email when we need support!

I Want To Volunteer!

I Have a Suggestion For a Neighborhood Event or Improvement.

We love getting resident ideas!!

Although not all suggestions are immediately implementable, the MSCA Board takes all suggestions seriously. We consider all ideas in respect to city guidelines, financial ...

Submit Your Idea Here.

Is Fishing Allowed At The Park? Are Dogs Allowed?

Fishing: You are allowed to fish from the park. However, please don’t use the benches for a cutting board and please clean up any hooks or fishing line (they can be dangerous to other residents pets and curious little ones.) 

Dogs: Dogs are allowed in the park. Please clean-up after your pet and supervise them while there. Be sure to enjoy the extra tennis balls (usually kept by the Info Board)! There are also extra bags for cleaning up, as well as "Poop Stations" around the neighborhood--please help keep our communal areas clean. These stations and bags are maintained by fellow dog-owning residents; please chip in if you see them full or empty! Dogs are allowed unleashed in the park, when no other residents are inside. For everyone's safety, we ask that dogs remain leashed during neighborhood events.

Can I Post A Sign In A Communal Area?

Signs are permitted in common areas (i.e. outside the park, at the entrance circle, at the triangle, etc.) with pre-approval from MSCA. Signs should be displayed for a limited time. To reserve a display timeframe, please contact us here.

What is MSCA Annual Support & Why Do We Have It?

Merrimac Shores is a special neighborhood that has been around since 1946. The MSCA maintains many annual and day-to-day responsibilities, such as:

  • Hosting & coordinating annual (and traditionally free) events such as the Easter Egg Hunt, July 4th Parade, Annual Picnic & the Halloween Pre-Trick or Treat Party, as well as coordinating single and ongoing events such as movie nights, food trucks, cook-offs, yappy hours, caroling, luminaries, etc.
  • Coordinating & paying for special event permits, advertising and general costs/fees for special neighborhood events such as food trucks, yard sales, etc.
  • Coordinating & paying for repairs, supplies and the general maintenance of common areas plus equipment within those areas (such as entrances, park benches, tables, play equipment, dog poop stations, landscaping/mowing/arborist needs, etc.)
  • Providing neighborhood communication through quarterly newsletters, event signage, social media posts, email lists, website, new resident handbooks, etc.
  • Monitoring fiscal responsibilities such as annual taxes & insurance on 2 waterfront lots (currently recognized as one Private Resident Park), etc.

Your donation makes these things possible! Pay Support Now

My MSCA Support Auto Renews Annually--How Do I Make Changes To My Subscription?

Manage your annual subscription by logging in here.

I Need To Check/Update My Address, Email, Phone Number, etc.

Login to your account here to make changes to your phone number, email address or house address, etc.

How Can I Become a Board Member?

The MSCA Board accepts nominations for new board members throughout the year. Voting for each upcoming year takes place in the fall, usually at the Annual Picnic.

Learn more about becoming a MSCA Board Member here.


Have a question or suggestion for the MSCA Board? Submit it here.