The MSCA maintains many annual and day-to-day responsibilities, such as:

  • Hosting & coordinating annual (and traditionally free) events such as the July 4th Parade, Annual Meeting & Resident Picnic & the Halloween Pre-Trick or Treat Party, as well as coordinating single and ongoing events such as Play Dates @ Park, cook-offs, 'Yappy' hours, caroling, luminaries, etc.
  • Coordinating special event permits, advertising and general costs fees for special neighborhood events such as yard sales, etc.
  • Coordinating & funding repairs, supplies and the general maintenance of common areas plus the equipment within those areas (such as entrances, park benches, tables, play equipment, dog poop stations, landscaping/mowing/arborist needs, etc.)
  • Providing neighborhood communication through quarterly newsletters, event signage, social media posts, email lists, website, new resident handbooks, etc.
  • Monitoring fiscal responsibilities such as annual taxes & insurance on 2 waterfront lots (currently recognized as one Private Resident Park), etc.

💕We can only achieve these things with your Annual Support Payments and resident donations.💕

Frequently Asked Questions

Board Member Commitment & Voting

When possible, the Board may use community votes to ask for input and to gain insight for future decisions.

  • Feedback sharing, voting & surveys may happen in-person (such as in-person votes or using the suggestion box at events) and/or online via website polls, social media polls, electronic surveys, emails, contact form submissions, etc.
  • MSCA will use aforementioned votes to guide decisions, while also weighing benefits/concerns, budget, safety & additional resources (such as time, workforce, electricity/water access, etc.)
  • We will do our best to bring major decisions to the community, however not all decisions will be up for community vote.
  • Some issues you may feel passionately about and some you may not, but all are important. As such, we encourage you to take the time to vote whenever opportunities occur, both in person and online.

Board Members and Officers are human, and we are volunteers. We all share this community, and MSCA Board Members will act and make decisions for that community as a whole.

  • As there are 240 residences, there are bound to be differing opinions about priorities and how things are handled. Please be respectful of your neighbors and their opinions.
  • We will make decisions on the community’s behalf in the best way we can, with the options we have, and we will opt out of the board when we feel we can no longer do so.

Feedback & Concerns

The MSCA Board is committed to remaining accessible and open to feedback for all projects/events, and we will continue to ask for input through in-person conversations, polls, suggestion boxes, emails, contact forms, etc. To be clear, however, we will have a zero tolerance approach towards threats, threats of vandalism, bullying, verbal assault, physical confrontation, etc.

  • Neighborly behavior (in person and online) is expected at all times, from guests and from residents, and if we need to implement temporary FB group restrictions, membership “suspensions” including gate code changes, or other measures, we will do so without hesitation.
  • Paying support and/or making a donation does not give anyone the right to be rude, bully, make ultimatums or attempt to solely dictate the actions or next steps of the MSCA. In the end, our decisions are final.
  • If you have a concern, please let us know. However, please understand that we do not have an obligation to change or overturn our decisions simply because a concern is submitted. We will accept, review and respect all concerns and we will consider and weigh them all equally. Suggestions & complaint submissions do not equal the immediate overturning of a decision.
  • If you would like to learn more about voting/board processes, are unhappy with the current processes or would like to learn more about becoming a Board Member, we encourage you to read through the remaining FAQ's plus the Requirements & Responsibilities sections above and submit your name as a nominee as a future Board Member.

Board Member Nominations, Voting In & Officer Election


  • Board Member Nominations are accepted all year round via the Suggestion Box, board meeting suggestions, email, and the website Contact Form.
  • Nominees must be current residents, meet the requirements listed above & be willing to accept the responsibilities outlined above. Please review them and be sure you can commit to full participation before submitting your nomination.
  • Mid-summer, nominees are contacted by current Board members to confirm nomination acceptance.

New Board Members:

  • New Board Members are accepted & announced during the Annual Meeting in September (usually in conjunction with a Resident Picnic).
  • If there are more nominees than board seats available, a vote will be held, with any write-in's being logged as "pending" until current Board review.

Officer Elections:

  • Officer positions (President, Vice President & Secretary) are elected by nomination/vote and shall serve for 2 years or until their successors are elected. Additional advisors, such as the Treasurer and the Registered Agent are also appointed at that time.
  • How Do I Become A Board Member?

    Board Members & Officers are volunteer positions.

    Nominations to join the board are accepted throughout the year & reviewed by current Board Members mid-year. If nominees meet requirements, nominees are voted on in the fall, based on the number of seats available.

    Submit My Nomination 

Current MSCA Board Members

Chrissy Irving


I grew up outside Detroit and went to Michigan State University. I taught elementary school science for 27 years in Texas where I met my husband, Shawn. We chose Merrimac Shores when my husband’s job with Ferguson brought us to Virginia 5 years ago. We are the ones you likely see walking our big brown dog and little white dog. We love this neighborhood and feel so blessed to have met so many great people here!

Amanda Schaefer

Secretary, Web Manager & Editor of the MSCA "Monitor" Newsletter

Hello, Merrimac Shores! After growing up in the Midwest, followed by 20 years working with at-risk youth, my partner Karath & I decided to leave the Arizona desert for the adventure of a new coast. We landed in beautiful Merrimac Shores in 2020, where everyday we are grateful to be surrounded by the quiet streets, peaceful water views and wonderful people!

When not exploring local haunts, you’ll find me experimenting with plant varieties in my ever work-in progress garden, searching for another great read, enjoying music & a glass of wine or spoiling our fur babies (rescue cats). While here, I have enjoyed finding ways to help the MSCA balance old traditions with new ideas & I look forward to seeing you at events!

Susan "Subalu" Knopfle


I'm a "come here" (since 1972) from Washington State. I lived in Wythe on Cherry Avenue, and after Paul & I were married, we moved to Merrimac Shores in 1983. I have enjoyed living here and supporting neighborhood activities. My nickname, "Subalu," was given to me in 1982 when my boss shortened my maiden name, Belouskas to "Balu." It eventually became "Subalu", now my preferred name.

I've worked for Hampton Public Schools, a national wholesale distributer, a national cruise line, a CPA firm, an insurance company, a sail loft, and eventually retired from the Hampton Fire Marshal Office. I've served on the MSCA Board as newsletter editor, secretary, treasurer, and shared neighborhood history, tips & tidbits through Welcome Packet Coordinator.

Nicole Garcia

Board Member

Nicole has lived in Merrimac Shores since 2011 and recently bought a new home on a different street to remain a resident of this amazing community. Nicole is a Registered Nurse at Riverside Regional Medical Center and also coordinates and manages a local soccer club. With any free time she enjoys reading and gardening. You might see her walking the neighborhood with her pups!

Michelle Potter

Board Member

Hello! My family and I lived in Merimac shores for 2 years now and I became a board member pretty soon after moving into the neighborhood. I can’t wait to meet new neighbors throughout my time here! And if you need grooming services, I am the owner and stylist at Sunset Creek Dog Grooming, and am looking forward to talking with you!

Lindsey Puckett

Board Member

Lindsey has lived in Merrimac Shores since 2020 with her husband and 2 children. She loves to read, garden and cook in her spare time. In the summer you might find her working at “Zoe’s Plant Stand” or in the park coordinating our food truck events.